Monday, May 13, 2013

Make- up blog post

I missed class a couple weeks ago so I decided to make up the blog work by doing two activities this week.

The first activity is called "Bear at the Door". This activity focuses on a character with an external conflict (such as a bear at the door) with an internal conflict at odds with it.

       Ellie is in the kitchen heating up water for tea, a small task to occupy her time while she waited for Veronica to arrive. Ellie hasn't seen her since Veronica left for college last fall in Montana, hours away from their hometown in Washington. Now it was springtime, and it has been the longest time they've spent apart. 

       Ellie taps her bare feet against the smooth wood flooring, glancing outside occasionally in anticipation of Veronica's white VW bug pulling up in the driveway. Ian, Ellie's brother, walks by the front door near the kitchen with a flower vase he was carrying to the kitchen. Ian is going to wash the vase for the flowers his father had purchased for their mother that afternoon. He lets out a quick yelp as the vase falls from his grasp and shatters against the floor. 

       Just at that moment Veronica's car pulls into the driveway, the sun's glare reflecting off of the headlights, which catches Ellie's attention and draws her mind away from the broken shards of glass scattered near the front door. 

       Ellie begins to run for the front door but stops at the broken glass. She sees her best friend walking towards her, but she can't cross through the doorway through the glass because she left her shoes upstairs. She wants to run to Veronica but instead has to wait painstakingly as her friend walks through the front door, eyes smiling and arms wide open for a hug. 

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